We want you to get to know some of the members in Houston Journal Society. Meet Jamie.
- Name: Jamie B.
- Pronouns: She/Her
- Social Media: @Broussardliving (instagram)
Are you a native Houstonian? If not, how long have you lived here?
Lived in Houston area since 2013
How did you first get into stationery? And how long have you been into it?
I’ve always loved stationery! When I was younger I had a ton of notebooks I used as journals and I’d decorate the front with stickers.
What is your current journal/planner style? Do you have a preferred journaling style?
I ‘chaos/mood journal’. I’m a little bit everywhere 😅 Some days I bullet journal, other days I want to use a grid. I have recently given up dated journals though. I need more flexibility.
Do you have a favorite pen and what is it?
My Pilot Vanishing Point with an EF (extra fine) nib. It’s perfect. I also always have a Uniball on me.
How do you organize your journaling supplies?
Acrylic drawers and binders. I need to see it. If it’s not visible I will totally forget about it.
Do you have any tips for beginners just starting their journaling journey?
Don’t worry about being perfect. If you mess up, just put a sticker over it and call it a day 🤪
What is the most unique or unusual item in your stationery collection?
My SUPER tiny TN (traveler’s notebook) that was made by a friend. I also have a tiny fountain pen.
How has journaling impacted your life?
It’s been amazing for my mental health. Getting things on paper and out of my brain helps me process so much.
Do you prefer digital or analog journaling, and why?
Analog. I am a paper person through and through! My brain just retains it more when I can write it down.
How often do you journal, and do you have a specific routine or time of day for it?
I try to journal daily. I usually do best with a little bit throughout the day.
Do you use your journal for any specific purposes, like goal-setting or mental health?
Mental health for sure. Being creative or getting things down on paper helps calm my brain.
What is the best journaling or stationery-related advice you’ve ever received?
Don’t put ink that’s super shimmery in a fine point 😅
What are your hobbies other than stationery and journaling?
I’m a serial hobbyist. I tend to always fall back on cross stitch but I love trying new things out!

How did you find HJS?
Abi @ Dromgoole’s told me about it!
Have you learned anything, changed your journaling habits, or been enabled since joining HJS?
I have learned SO much and been enabled more times I can count. A little over a year ago I got my first fountain pen. Now I’m up to like 10ish 😅
What’s a stationery or journaling hack you’ve discovered that you wish everyone knew about?
I’m sure others know this but if not here it goes; If you mess up bad enough, you can paperclip or glue pages together.
What’s the best excuse you’ve used to justify buying more stationery?
Bre said it’s good so now I HAVE to get it. 😂
Do you have a favorite coffee shop or journaling spot? Where? What do you like about it?
I’m a sucker for our EggHaus / King’s Bierhaus meetups. I love how the tables are big and it feels like a big family reunion every time we get together!

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